Project Kickoff~

As of 1900 August 16, 2010, we've officially begun work on our Protoss Project.

The first step that we need to tackle (and will hopefully finish up this evening or tomorrow)  is how to deal with the digitigrade stilts, to get the correct "backwards leg" shape of Zeratul. Figuring out how large we're going to be able to make these, and how tall they'll make me, is the first major step in getting the scale of the body to be correct - I can't figure out any other pieces until I have an understanding of how tall I can become!

We started out with this wonderful resource from Gryphern on how they have made the stilts, however, there were a few things that we didn't like with them. We do not intend on furring them (obviously!) and they are a little bulky. Also, we intend on having to wear these for 6 hours or more, so I spent some time trying to figure out exactly how we can make them more comfortable to be worn for a very long time.

This first trial, that we started working on yesterday night and got about 1/3 of the way completed, is only a trial out of wood - we intend, once the design is worked through, to have them welded out of metal, to make them more streamline than blocks of wood.

What I thought may help take some of the tension off of the shin and ankle would be to put the foot plate on a slight pivot, with stops, allowing it to move more naturally, and also allow your heel to rest on something for added support, for standing around for long periods of time.

I have no idea if this will work - I'm a trained costumer, true, but we deal very little with more than basic engineering problems. Luckily, for me, I think more in those terms of engineering, so hopefully, this well-thought-out first prototype will help to figure out what the next step is in this epic project!

((pictures to come shortly, as well as a modification to the Blogger template...))


Anonymous said...

WOW! someone making a protoss costume! thats worth seeing...
Well, about the legs things... have you seen the latest godzilla movie? (that right now is very old, but well, i mean the last one in wich at the end of the movie they kill the minigodzilla's and the mother starts to chase the heroes 'till getting in a bridge where some jets fire all their weapons to her)... Well, i remember seeing a documental about how the minigodzilla's where done. and even if some of them where computer-maded (mostly, the dangerous parts) they used actors in really weird dresses (you dont notice at all they aint dinosaurs at all!) for the legs they used some kind of metal platform where you could place your feet in a very confortable way, allowing actors to have the same legs (and move as) biped reptiles... I tryed to find it out again so you can see it and get some ideas from there but i've been unable to find it over the internet, may you have more luck than i do. Furthermore i wanted to make a protoss costume by myself, so i have thinked it quite a lot. Think of some steelbar where you place your feet at one extrem (where some straps and minor slopes for better comodity and maniobravility keeps your feet in the right place) and with some articulated metal "fingers" at the other one (i tought those metal fingers to be "free" and "restricted" at the same time, i mean, they can go far down freely, but they can get a lot up, so when you place the fit up they fall like if you where moving them and when you step down they expand to certain point providing not only a nice effect but also nice stability) I tought the steelbars should be in paralel with your feet, so the mere moving of it will affect the whole segment. However, i fear there will be a lot of trouble since... well.. lets say: try to walk 6 hours in this position:


Yeah, placing your legs in such "v" position aint nice, but is the better thing i figured out

Well, no more botering you with my lame english, good luck with the proyect!

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